The Words of David: Praying Our Emotions to God (Lent 2021)
Looking to Jesus
The Words of David: Praying Our Emotions to God (Lent 2021)
Sorting Our Fear
The Words of David: Praying Our Emotions to God (Lent 2021)
Sorting Our Gratitude
The Words of David: Praying Our Emotions to God (Lent 2021)
Freedom to Grieve
Sorting Our Shame
The Words of David: Praying Our Emotions to God (Lent 2021)
Sorting Our Anger
The Words of David: Praying Our Emotions to God (Lent 2021)
Speaking the Truth in Love
Ephesians 4:15-16, 5:1-2
Why the Church, Again?
The Church: Gospel Content, Historical Discontent, Opportunities to Love
Women and Servant-Leaders
The Church: Gospel Content, Historical Discontent, Opportunities to Love
Men and Servant-Leaders
The Church: Gospel Content, Historical Discontent, Opportunities to Love
Take Me to Church
The Church: Gospel Content, Historical Discontent, Opportunities to Love
The Good Shepherd
The One Thing We Need
Whose House are You Building?
Because of Jesus Christ (Jesus the Savior, Part 2)
The Words of David: Jesus as Prophet, Priest, King, and Savior (Advent 2020)
People of the Promises (Jesus the Savior, Part 1)
The Words of David: Jesus as Prophet, Priest, King, and Savior (Advent 2020)
Authority Song (Jesus the Prophet)
The Words of David: Jesus as Prophet, Priest, King, and Savior (Advent 2020)
Among Pits and Rock (Jesus the Priest)
The Words of David: Jesus as Prophet, Priest, King, and Savior (Advent 2020)
God's Kingdom Come (Jesus the King)
The Words of David: Jesus as Prophet, Priest, King, and Savior (Advent 2020)