Women's ministry at NorthCross is committed to growing with one another, supporting one another, and pursuing God together as we each navigate the specific challenges in our weekly lives. Come join us!

This is an open invitation to all single ladies, stay-at-home moms, working moms, young marrieds, retirees and anything else in between! Join us for a Bible study, a play date, a retreat, or whatever else we might have going on!

Upcoming events

Weekly Bible Study

Women of NorthCross meet weekly for Bible study and fellowship. We are currently studying Genesis. There are two studies offered each week:

Wednesday morning, 9:30 am @ the church
Contact Lynn Whitehill for more info

Thursday evening, 7:00 @ the church
Contact Angela Howard for more info

small Tables

Every month we offer Small Tables where you eat dinner, hang out, and discuss a handful of intentional questions that draw us together. Be on the lookout for the next Small Table in the Calendar.