The Vision of NorthCross Church:

To be a place of genuine community built upon the love and redemption of Jesus with the goal of sharing that love with all those around us in Lake Norman and around the world.

Loved. Equipped. Sent.

We have summarized our vision into three distinctive aims, to be: LOVED, EQUIPPED, and SENT.


"A place of Genuine Community built upon the love and redemption of Jesus..."

Loved by God. In order to grow as a genuine community founded on the love of Jesus we must actually know and experience the love of Jesus. Therefore, our first and primary desire is to dive deeper into the love of God that is expressed most tangibly through the work of Jesus; so we aim to include some aspect of the Gospel in everything we do and say.

Loved by One Another. The natural result of a community experiencing and embracing the love of God is growth in how we love one another. We desire to know each other deeply through authentic and accepting relationships in order to better encourage and support one another as we all follow Christ. 

A people who are LOVED by God and by one another is a powerful thing -- Jesus said, "By this they will know you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35


"...Built upon the love and redemption of Jesus... with the goal of sharing that love..."

Equipped by the Gospel. The call of Christ is not only to receive His love but to know Him more (growing) and to carry His Word to the world (going). Therefore we desire to engage our hearts, our minds, and our hands in ways that equip us in the Gospel to love our neighbors with the love of God. The book of Ephesians marks a clear intention and purpose of the Church to be one of equipping God's people to joyfully use their strengths for God's mission. (Eph. 4:11-16) Our aim as followers of Christ is to be continually strengthened in our understanding and faith for the mission He has set before us.


"With the goal of sharing that love with all those around us

in Lake Norman and around the world."

God's people have always been sent. Abraham was sent. His offspring were instructed on how to invite others into their community through Moses. And when Jesus originally sent His disciples out He told them to "go," because God is a God on mission, seeking and saving the lost. His end goal is to make all things new, setting up His own dwelling place with His people (Rev. 21). This means that the time we live this side of Heaven is not a permanent time. In fact, in the book of Hebrews God's people are called "sojourners" because of the deep reality of our temporary dwelling in this world.

Sent Lives instead of sending activities. As a result of being sent people, our lives are not simply defined by looking forward to Heaven, it is marked by serving the cause of Christ in daily and ordinary ways. We are a sent people with a message of hope, of love, and of grace, and our desire is to bring that message to our neighbors next-door, in our workplaces, and in our communities through a ministry of faithful presence and winsome communication of the Gospel.

Our Core Values:

As a result of God's love for us and His involvement in our individual stories, we value PEOPLE, the GOSPEL, DISCIPLESHIP, MERCY, WORSHIP, and MULTIPLICATION. Please know that your story matters to God, and we would love to walk beside you in that story.


We believe in the value and dignity of human life. Regardless of gender, ethnicity, or culture, all People have been created by God; created in his image and are to be loved and respected.


We believe the Gospel is the power of God to heal lives. It is only through Christ, through faith in his death and resurrection that we find true hope and forgiveness. The Gospel is about God’s grace – the unmerited love of God. A relationship with God has nothing to do with our achievements and success in this life.


We believe Discipleship should always equip people to serve and empower people to lead. Discipleship is about meaningful personal relationships, accountability, and learning together what it means to be a community that follows after Jesus.


We believe authentic Mercy is a lifestyle more than it a program of the church. Mercy is a disposition, a posture, a way of life. It’s about seeing the gospel as oppose to only hearing about it. We are committed to forming strategic alliances with other churches and civil agencies around us that bring reformation to the people and communities of Lake Norman.


We believe Worship to be an act of the community of faith. Here the community is deeply invested in giving expression to the praise of God that arises from a commitment to rest in and worship around the Cross of Jesus Christ.


We believe Multiplication is about fostering kindred communities through the communities of Lake Norman. NorthCross is committed to expanding the Kingdom of God through a movement of church planting.